New date with no Mother's Day Conflict: May 17 & 18, 2025
Registration is fixed at $30; this includes your event reservation, bag tag, and Tourbook. Entry fee must be included with registration. Reservations are capped at 130 Nutters of the Realm and are refundable up to 2 weeks before the event and may not be applied to next year. To reserve your spot, email the new STO at:
Saturday dinner is not provided but there are many possibilities in Wabasha. Brenda at Turning Waters B+B+B will be welcoming everyone for a beverage on Saturday evening. Sunday breakfast is at St. Felix Church and is a fundraiser.
Veteran Nutters who have lost their job may take advantage of our "Nutters in Need" Programme and may ride for free. Spouses are now included even if they have a job. Vice versa works as well.
Payment is acceptable via Paypal or cash, check, money order, .999 silver bullion or, as usual, rusty lumps of iron from your shed.
Paypal address:
Deadline for refunds is 2 weeks before the event. If you prefer, your refund may be applied to the "Nutters in Need" programme; your entry fee will be donated to a Nutter who has lost their job or, for other reasons, cannot afford to ride.
Other details: Meet at Colvill Park in Red Wing Minnesota on the east side of town, just off Highway 61 across from the correctional facility. For those arriving early, Red Wing brewery is an excellent place for those Nutters who wish to gather Friday night for a pint; get there about 4-4:30. We gather here Sunday afternoon after the tour as well.
Be ready to go at 7:00am Saturday morning. Red Wing is 1.5 hours south of St. Paul. General driving directions to Red Wing are available from Google Maps. We have made arrangements with the Red Wing Police to leave our cars in the Colvill lot overnight.
A note about fitness:
We maintain a modest pace but riders must be able to easily complete 45 miles in a day. That seems innocuous enough but add headwinds, big hills, gravel and rain and your spouse may decide you've taken leave of your senses. That being said, many riders are on "Wife Support"; she drives the van while you suffer in silence.
Your camping gear may be transported in the 3-speed lorry for the trip to Wabasha. Hence, we encourage you to tip a few quid for Bobbi's petrol and her lost weekend. Camping gear goes in the trailer and the trailer is then parked at the Malone Park campground. All other gear goes in the lorry. The lorry is not available during the day; it does not necessarily follow us and should not be considered a SAG wagon.
Please note there are NO organised food stops, rest stations, or mechanic support.
"For those who dream in Whitworth." -Ken Keberle
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